Saturday, March 30, 2013

Information technology

Information Technology (IT) is the application of computers and telecommunications equipment and wireless storage and retrieval, transfer and data processing, and be a valuable business scope or other term usually used enterprise.The synonym for computers and computer networks, but also includes other technologies used in the distribution of information such as television and telephones. And many industries linked with information technology, such as computers and software, electronics, Internet, and telecommunications equipment, and electronic commerce and other
The scope of business, Information Technology Association of America has identified information technology as "the study and design, development and application support and implement or manage information systems based on computer. And responsibilities for workers in the field of network management and include, software development and installation, planning and management enterprise IT life cycle, that is which maintain the hardware and software. upgrade, and replace

The human storage and retrieval, processing and transfer of information since the Sumerians in Mesopotamia put writing in about 3000 BC, but the term "information technology" sense to talk first appeared in an article published in 1958 in the Harvard Business Review, the authors Levitt .. Whisler commented that "the new technology does not yet have the name of a created word of information technology (IT) and based on the processing techniques and storage used, it is possible to distinguish four distinct phases of development of information technology: by mechanical (3000 BC - 1450 ), mechanical (1450-1840), electromechanical (1840-1940) and electronic 1940 to the present time, this article focuses on the most recent period (e), which began in about 1940.

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